Branding vs. brand. What’s the difference?
Branding is not ‘brand’. It’s a discipline.
It's time to talk about the title of this show. What is branding? How does it relate to brand? And marketing? And how can we define ourselves as a discipline?
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Branding is the deliberate, continuous process of developing observable, distinctive, assets associated with a product or service.
A mouthful, let's break that down:
Deliberate: You might 'have' a brand whether you like it or not, but the act of 'branding' is intentional. It's a conscious effort to create a brand.
Continuous: Branding is not a one-time effort. It's a constant act of refreshing, fine-tuning, and creation, based on consumers perception of the brand.
Process: Branding doesn't happen 'randomly'. It's a process with well defined stages, building on a validated strategy process that enables a creative output.
Developing: Branding is not just about 'creating' new assets. It's a deliberate choice of investing in certain assets and downgrading others.
Observable: Branding is the translation between brand strategy and the actual touchpoints consumers see. Things like 'positioning' or business goals are not directly noticeable at a brand level. Sound, graphics, messages, photography, tone of voice, motion. They are all assets that are part of a brand's observable surface.
Distinctive: To be distinct means to be able to recognize easily. It means not being confused with competitors. It means being recognized as your company. Not to be confused with being different.
Assets: An asset is a resource for a company. Branding is about developing assets that have a clear return on investment. They are not just 'creative ideas'; they are quantifiable assets on a companies balance sheet.
Associated: Association works on different levels. Branding needs to work unconsciously and consciously. On the first, most crucial level, a brand needs to send the right signals for our autopilot to pick up on.
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